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Professional Junior: <5 yrs exp

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Graziana Cavone received the MSc degree in Control Engineering with honors in 2013, from the Polytechnic of Bari (Italy) discussing the thesis "Modeling and Simulation of Intermodal Terminals using Timed Petri Nets". Since November 2014 she is a PhD student at AutoLab in the University of Cagliari and cooperates with the Decision & Control Laboratory in Polytechnic of Bari. From November 2016 until now, she is Visiting Student at the Delft University of Technology, in the Delft Center for Systems and Control under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Bart De Schutter. Her research mainly focuses on railway and intermodal transportation and Information and Communication Technology for the sustainable development of transportation systems in Smart Cities. IEEE member. Research interests: - Modelling, simulation, optimization, and management of discrete event systems with Petri nets. - Modelling, simulation, performance analysis, and control of intermodal transport systems by means of discrete-time and hybrid Petri nets. - Mixed integer linear programming for the optimization of the performances in the real-time management of railway traffic in case of disturbances and disruptions. - Model Predictive Control.