It’s now a well-known fact that in the fourth digital revolution online networking is a fundamental instrument of growth.

In fact, in other fields such as information technology, medicine and science results beyond all expectations have been obtained thanks to networking.

What exactly is online networking? Simply the exchange of information aimed at creating a community of associates and keeping it active through regular communication for their mutual benefit. Networking is based on the question "How can I help?" and not "What can I get?"

This important tool will allow engineering to improve our efforts towards our main objectives: sustainability, technology development and the quality of work.

Why online? In the offline world it can take months to find and recruit the people we need. With online networking the locating speed grows exponentially, dropping to just a few minutes.

This tool increases our problem-solving capabilities, going beyond offline collaboration methods, to amplify our collective intelligence.

By increasing the scale of cooperation, online tools expand the range of available expertise, giving the opportunity to explore ideas in depth in a way impossible for a small group with limited expertise.

This open source collaboration is based on a data-driven intelligence that extrapolates with smart algorithms from online data those with greater interest and that is otherwise beyond human ability to comprehend. The data-driven intelligence is applicable to any data source, but it reaches its fullest potential when applied to as many data as possible, enabling us to take all the intelligence of the world and make meaning from it. Its structure allows, then, to scale the contributions of the participants, filtering and giving attention to the most valuable and stimulating.

Italy has already started this change of direction, thanks to the CollEngWorld community, a space that hosts more than 500 engineering professionals from over 30 countries worldwide, who every day provide their expertise. I am convinced that this is the way to give new life and momentum to the industry, by providing faster, better and cheaper engineering services

Collengworld, ECL - Leonardo Consorzio Europeo

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