Featured Posts (19)

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Premio Alberoandronico, XIII edizione



Il nostro amministratore unico, l’Ing. Maurizio Boi e la sorella Ing. Patrizia Boi, sono stati selezionati tra i possibili vincitori del Premio Alberoandronico, XIII edizione con la loro Opera “Ingegneria elevato n”, libro che indaga sul futuro de

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Sardinian Job Day 24-25 Gennaio 2019

Vieni a trovarci al Sardinian Job Day il più importante evento dedicato al mercato del lavoro in Sardegna. L'evento è organizzato dall’Agenzia Sarda per Politiche Attive del Lavoro (Aspal) e ha l’obiettivo di favorire l’incontro domanda – offerta di

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3D printing has been making the design and tech rounds lately, from ceramics and construction bricks to cars and mini castles. But there’s one project in the works that’s looking to blow the rest out of the water. New York City-

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It’s now a well-known fact that in the fourth digital revolution online networking is a fundamental instrument of growth.

In fact, in other fields such as information technology, medicine and science results beyond all expectations have been obtai

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CollEngWorld is proud to announce the publication of the exclusive interview with one of the most smart and productive minds of engineering in the 3D printing of building sector, James Gardiner! You can find it on the news in our group "3D Prin

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