Le linee ferroviarie, per la loro conformazione naturale fatta di pendenze ridotte, per i tracciati che attraversano arterie fondamentali di spostamento, si prestano ad essere affiancate ad un traffico lento di biciclette e pedoni, semplicemente
All Posts (219)
I will present my vision of a new exponential engineering company creation at the FIDIC - SIDiR - EFCA Regional Infrastructure Conference in Krakow, Poland on 7/8th of March 2016.
Here below you can find the link to download the report and the pres
Our Collaborative Commons initiative has now been up and running for almost a month and we thank you for welcoming us with such enthusiasm.
Our objective is to stimulate involvement in creative activities aimed at giving bir
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A T T I V I T A' del mese di F E B B R A I O
Abbiamo costituito questo Spazio Collaborativo Comune da un mese appena e vi ringraziamo per averci accolto con entusiasmo.
L’obiettivo era infatti di Coinvolgervi in un
I recently presented at the EFCA Board of Director meeting, held in Dublin on 19 Feb 2016, my vision of a new exponential engineering company creation.
Below you can find the link to download the report and the presentation.
MakerBot learns that 3D printing and copyright don't quite mix
It's trying to stop unauthorized prints of Thingiverse designs.
Trying to stop unauthorized 3D printing is like plugging a hole in a dam with your finger -- once the template for an
Dear People of CollEngWorld,
we take the chance to thank you all for the support to our idea showed by joining our community. Our numbers are growing strong and with them our will to bring the emprovements we are aiming since the very beginning.
Engineers, architects, and designers are scrambling to bring 3D printed building to market. While the technology is still in the R&D stage, it is already clear that 3D printing of building will reinvent contruction in the coming decades.
While the 3D
Wanna Work Together? from Creative Commons on Vimeo.
Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools.
Its free, easy-to-use copyright licenses provide a
Hi Everyone,
We are very proud to present to you another amazing opportunity!
It is an open call for designers with a 10.000$ Award for the Obama Presidential Center design in Chicago (U.S. - Illinois)
“The Obama Presidential Center will bring to lif
click here for english version.
Un caro saluto a tutti i membri di The World of Collaborative Engineering
Siamo il Core Team di TE.x, l’impresa sociale nata con l’obiettivo di dare immediata concretezza ai principi ispiratori della community, riorga
A kind salute to all members of The World of Collaborative Engineering
We are the Core Team of TE.x, the social enterprise established with the objective to give immediate substance to the principles of community, reorganizing the engineering world,
In 25 anni di professione nell’ingegneria, ho avuto modo di osservare l’evoluzione delle professioni dapprima in ambito regionale, poi nazionale ed in ultimo internazionale. Ho osservato un progressivo acuirsi delle complicazioni burocratiche e una c
Mentre a livello nazionale tra il 2014 e il 2015* i bandi vedono una crescita dei bandi del 2,4% in numero e un
… e se ci fosse stata prima COLLENGWORLD?
Tutti noi conosciamo per sentito dire o dai notiziari o dalle trasmissioni televisive o perché noi stessi ne siamo fruitori, opere di ingegneria e di architettura che non funzionano come vogliamo e come vorre
In this area of the site, we will publish articles, call to action for community projects and interesting news about engineering and architecture.
Featured members will be able to present original material such as editorials or report about the state